Memory leaks of Active Widgets !!
I have a machine with 3.2 GHz processor with 2 GB RAM
When I open the web page with Active Widget grid, the browser takes about 10.5 MB of memory to render the full content with grid.
My Grid is abt 22x24 (rowXcol) in size and some columns are AW.Templates.Link and AW.Templates.Checkbox based.The grid has customised coloring for header and footer.
I have a preference screen through which I can change the order of columns on grid,apply some custom sort column and save the preferences to server as well as directly applying the changes to client without making a page refresh().
Each time I open the preference screen and modify the grid additional 0.5 MB gets allocated and this not recollected.
Can anyone suggest me whats the issue ? Or it is a Memory leak with ActiveWidgets ?
Vikramaditya Garg
I have a machine with 3.2 GHz processor with 2 GB RAM
When I open the web page with Active Widget grid, the browser takes about 10.5 MB of memory to render the full content with grid.
My Grid is abt 22x24 (rowXcol) in size and some columns are AW.Templates.Link and AW.Templates.Checkbox based.The grid has customised coloring for header and footer.
I have a preference screen through which I can change the order of columns on grid,apply some custom sort column and save the preferences to server as well as directly applying the changes to client without making a page refresh().
Each time I open the preference screen and modify the grid additional 0.5 MB gets allocated and this not recollected.
Can anyone suggest me whats the issue ? Or it is a Memory leak with ActiveWidgets ?
Vikramaditya Garg
Vikramaditya Garg
September 5,