
problem with internet explorer


I have a probleme when i open my grid with internet explorer, the grid flicks
and don't load all my data, it is blocking while on Firefox i have no problem.
anyone know this problem?
November 16,
sorry i make a mistake in the version so i post it with the good version.
November 16,
I have experienced different behaviour between IE and Firefox as you describe (IE not displaying grid data).

I have found that it can be dependent on the relative positioning of "document.write(obj)" in the script with respect to the the statement that loads the grid data and also the existence of "obj.refresh()" statements. It is difficult to be precise: play around with these and see if it helps.

November 16,
I find more precisly which error i have, on IE some caratere make scratth my grid but i don't know which caractere are. I just find that i must replace < and > with \< and \>.
if anyone have the same problem?
November 17,

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