
Horizontal scroll should move only on mouse events


I am using a sreachable grid(i.e one grid for searching i.e. header grid with one row) and another is data grid. I am able to remove the horizontal scroll for header and make synchronize with the horizontal scroll of Data grid.

but now the issue is when I try to filter the last column after resizing adn scrolling towards end, the data grid horizontal scroll automatically moves to the starting due which i am alignment issues.

Can some one help me in this issue?
June 28,
IE11 reports on
an error:

Datei: www.activewidgets.com, Zeile: 1, Spalte: 1HTML1509: Endmarkierung ohne Entsprechung.Datei: www.activewidgets.com, Zeile: 33, Spalte: 5SCRIPT438: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode "attachEvent" nicht

The table does not appear ...
July 1,

This topic is archived.

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