Check Boxes problem
There's an onRowSelectedChanged event which we use to detect when a use
checks or unchecks a box on any given row. The associated function gets
called with two parameters, the value of the checkbox on that row
(checked or not) and the index of the row in the grid.
With the old version of the AW code, when you check the box, the
onRowSelectedChanged function gets called with a value of "true". When
you uncheck it, it gets called with a value of "false". This is what
I'd say would be the expected behaviour.
With the updated code, however, when you check the box, the
onRowSelectedChanged function gets called twice - first with a value of
"true" (indicating that the checkbox is checked, as expected) and second
with a value of "false" (indicating that the checkbox is not checked -
which isn't the case). This new behaviour is what was causing the
problem and is something that I believe AW need to look into.
Mike Statham
December 21,