
access function


I'm loading a active widgets from xml.
The grid load well...but i want to access a function or same data from the grid and the button that do this, it was loaded before the xml:

see this:

This is loaded before the xml:
<input type=button onclick=""callfunctionfromgrid()" value=""click>

So, i cal the xml that content the grid:


// create ActiveWidgets data model - XML-based table
var table = new Active.XML.Table;

// provide data URL

// start asyncronous data retrieval

// define column labels
var columns = ["Ticker", "Company Name", "Market Cap.", "$ Sales", "Employees"];

// create ActiveWidgets Grid javascript object
var obj = new Active.Controls.Grid;

// provide column labels
obj.setColumnProperty("texts", columns);

// provide external model as a grid data source

function callfunctionfromgrid() { alert('thats ok'); }

// write grid html to the page


but this don't work, the error is "Object expected",

Alex Campos
December 18,
the button is:
<input type=button onclick=""callfunctionfromgrid()" value="click me">
Alex Campos
December 18,

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