
Hide a column

What's the way to hide a col in V2?

December 2,
The correct method is -


You can still do it with CSS -

.aw-column-1 {
    display: none;

but only if you use row selection (otherwise hidden cell will be selectable as well).
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
December 2,

.aw-column-1 {
    display: none!important;

for Firefox :-)
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
December 2,
There seems to be a problem with using display:none (or width=0) and single-cell mode. The cell highlight will disappear on you when you tab to a column that is hidden this way.
Rick Villela
December 12,
Oops, I guess that is what you were referring to if you did not use

Rick Villela
December 12,

This topic is archived.

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