Images in a column
Is there a way to display two (or more) images in a cell and if the user clicks in the cell, tell which one was click on (or at least tell where in the cell the mouse was clicked)???
April 2,
ActiveWidgets calls the event handler with DOM event object as its argument. So you can test event.srcElement, event.x etc...
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
April 4,
Thanks, but can you be more specific on how to display more than one image in a cell . . . maybe even code to tell where the mouse was clicked. In one case, I would like to display two images, centered, in a cell and then do something based upon either the left half or the right half.
April 6,
Is it even possible to display more than one image in a cell?
As I think about it, figuring if a click was in the left half or right half of the cell would work fine if the two images were centered. However, as soon as there are more than two cells, that would not work (splitting it into thirds) as resizing the cell would cause problems if the images did not change where they were in the cell.
Any ideas here would be appreciated.
April 11,