I'm working on a Grouped Grid...
This script is unbelieveble...
I'm working on a Grid like a related Tables of Microsoft Access, that Open Grid inside a Grid... But I can't understand all the methods of this script (ehhehe... it's too long)...
My Idea is a thing like this:
When a click in a image in the 2nd field of a grid, it displays an other Grid...
But I can't display a DIV in other DIV... How can I do something like this ??? Some Ideas ?
Thanks, and excuse-me for my Bad English !
Valber Marcel Bueno
Campinas - SP - Brasil
This script is unbelieveble...
I'm working on a Grid like a related Tables of Microsoft Access, that Open Grid inside a Grid... But I can't understand all the methods of this script (ehhehe... it's too long)...
My Idea is a thing like this:
<style> body, html {margin:0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;} </style>
<link href="./runtime/styles/xp/grid.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="./runtime/lib/grid.js"></script>
.active-controls-grid {height: 100%; font: menu;}
.active-column-0 {width: 30px; background-color: threedlightshadow;}
.active-column-1 {width: 200px; }
.active-column-2 {}
.active-column-3 {text-align: right;}
.active-column-4 {}
var myData = [
["1","<div id='d12' style='position: related; top: 0px; z-index: -15; border: 1px solid; height: 100px; width: 100px'><img src='' onclick='document.all.d12.innerHTML = obj12;' ></div>Teste 1", "pagina1", "1", "sim"],
["2","Titulo Diferente", "teste", "2", "sim"],
["3","Teste 3", "Juca", "13", "sim"],
["4","Este aqui é bizarro", "bizarro", "4", "nao"],
["5","Teste 5", "teste5", "5", "nao"],
["6","Teste 6", "nome6", "16", "sim"],
["7","Teste 7", "nome7", "7", "sim"],
["8","Teste 8", "nome8", "8", "sim"]
var myColumns = [
"#ID", "Titulo", "Nome", "Ordem", "Ativo"
var myData12 = [
["2","Titulo Diferente", "teste", "2", "sim"],
["3","Teste 3", "Juca", "13", "sim"]
var myColumns12 = [
"#ID", "Titulo", "Nome", "Ordem", "Ativo"
<div id="d0">
var obj = new Active.Controls.Grid;
obj.setDataText(function(i, j){return myData[i][j]});
obj.setColumnText(function(i){return myColumns[i]});
var row = obj.getTemplate("row");
row.setEvent("ondblclick", function(){this.action("myAction")});
obj.setAction("myAction", function(src){alert(src.getProperty("item/index"))});
document.all.d0.innerHTML = obj;
var obj12 = new Active.Controls.Grid;
obj12.setDataText(function(i, j){return myData12[i][j]});
obj12.setColumnText(function(i){return myColumns12[i]});
var row12 = obj12.getTemplate("row");
var value = src.getProperty("item/index");
return (value & 1) ? "#ddd" : "black";
When a click in a image in the 2nd field of a grid, it displays an other Grid...
But I can't display a DIV in other DIV... How can I do something like this ??? Some Ideas ?
Thanks, and excuse-me for my Bad English !
Valber Marcel Bueno
Campinas - SP - Brasil
November 4,