Slow Load from Javascript
Has anyone dynamically built and loaded large amounts of data from a javascript array? I am building an array of 3,100 rows, 24 columns, with embedded HREFs and javascript and tooltips that make many of the cells 300 characters or more (one, with embedded tables in it, is actually 1,000 characters - expanded tooltip). The grid takes 90+ seconds to load.
I have replaced the code that reads from a database to populate the cells and instead just put "a" in each cell. That grid loads in one second. However, if I replace that "a" with 100 a's then it slows down again. Seems to be an issue with the overall size of the javascript array. (Is this an issue because it is embedded in the resulting HTML and thus must be rendered by the browser?)
I tried a similar test with CSV and XML files, and loading with 100 characters per cell is a bit slower, but quite acceptable (2 to 3 seconds). My problem with that is I do not know how to embed all of the HREFs and javascript events in those files.
I was thinking perhaps I could modify the CSV model to only process tab-separated fields (making it easier to possibly embed my complex links), but I am not sure if that is beyond my capabilities at this point.
My users have seen the functionality of the grid and are quite happy with it, so I certainly do not want to abandon it. I need to resolve this scalability issue.
Any ideas out there?
Thanks in advance - Brian
Following is a typical line from my javascript array:
["<a href=\"MyApp_Cont_Data.cfm?reference_no=40034993&site=ES&context1=UNB&context2=month\" title=\"Branch to Contract Data screen, with Unbilled Reasons/Amts\" onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Branch to Contract Data screen, with Unbilled Reasons/Amts\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">40034993 </a>",
"New Business",
"5424: NE Sales Region",
"CC8001: Electronics",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' title=\'Update PP Billing Complete\' onClick=\"MM_openBrWindow(\'MyApp_Update_Cont_Data.cfm?reference_no=40034993&site=ES\',\'\',\'menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=450,left=10,top=10\')\" onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Update PP Billing Complete\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">N</a>",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' onClick=\"MM_openBrWindow(\'MyApp_Add_Unbilled.cfm?reference_no=40034993&chrg_no=ChrgNo-51423&site=ES&profit_ctr=2380&period=month\', \'MyApp2\',\'menubar=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1200,height=700,left=10,top=10\')\" title=\'Input Unbilled Reasons/Amts\' onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Input Unbilled Reasons/Amts\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">$39,248.64</a>",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' onmouseover=\"Tip(\'<table border=\\'1\\' cellpadding=\\'2\\' cellspacing=\\'0\\' bordercolor=\\'#666666\\' bgcolor=\\'#FFFFCC\\'><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Description</strong></td><td>Cost Plus, Progress Payment, and T&M contracts that have not billed in its normal cycle.</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Cont Type(s)</strong></td><td>ZCPC, ZTMC, ZPPC</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Actionee(s)</strong></td><td>PF/CTC</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Recommended Action</strong></td><td>Program Finance: Contact Billing Analyst to find out why contract is not billing.</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Source</strong></td><td>Bill Period entered in MyApp, invoices from SAP BW report \\'Billing Docs Through Date\\'.</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Autoloaded</strong></td><td>Yes</td></tr></table>\', TITLE, \'330 - Inactive Billing\', WIDTH, 500, BGCOLOR, \'#ffffcc\')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">Inactive Billing</a>",
"Contract Terms / Performance",
"Sched C",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' onmouseover=\"Tip(\'Project not stand-alone. Rate differential to be reconciled in closure. See offsetting balance in \\\'Est. Booked vs Billed Fee Rates\\\'\', TITLE, \'Full Comment Text\', WIDTH, 500, BGCOLOR, \'#ffffcc\')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">Project not stand-alone. Rate differential to be reconciled in closure. See offsetting balance in \\\'Est. Booked vs Billed Fee Rates\\\'</a>",
" 0",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' onClick=\"javascript:MM_openBrWindow(\'MyApp_Add_Action_Item.cfm?reference_no=40034993&chrg_no=ChrgNo-51423&site=ES&context=UNB&problem_category_id=330&problem_category_desc=Inactive Billing\',\'\',\'menubar=yes,scrollbars=no,width=800,height=250,left=10,top=10\');\" title=\'Create Action Item\' onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Create Action Item\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">CREATE</a>",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' title=\'Add Comment\' onClick=\"MM_openBrWindow(\'MyApp_Add_Comment.cfm?reference_no=40034993&chrg_no=ChrgNo-51423&site=ES&context=UNB&problem_category_id=330&problem_category_desc=Inactive Billing\',\'\',\'menubar=yes,scrollbars=no,width=800,height=250,left=10,top=10\');\" onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Add Comment\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">ADD</a>",
I have replaced the code that reads from a database to populate the cells and instead just put "a" in each cell. That grid loads in one second. However, if I replace that "a" with 100 a's then it slows down again. Seems to be an issue with the overall size of the javascript array. (Is this an issue because it is embedded in the resulting HTML and thus must be rendered by the browser?)
I tried a similar test with CSV and XML files, and loading with 100 characters per cell is a bit slower, but quite acceptable (2 to 3 seconds). My problem with that is I do not know how to embed all of the HREFs and javascript events in those files.
I was thinking perhaps I could modify the CSV model to only process tab-separated fields (making it easier to possibly embed my complex links), but I am not sure if that is beyond my capabilities at this point.
My users have seen the functionality of the grid and are quite happy with it, so I certainly do not want to abandon it. I need to resolve this scalability issue.
Any ideas out there?
Thanks in advance - Brian
Following is a typical line from my javascript array:
["<a href=\"MyApp_Cont_Data.cfm?reference_no=40034993&site=ES&context1=UNB&context2=month\" title=\"Branch to Contract Data screen, with Unbilled Reasons/Amts\" onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Branch to Contract Data screen, with Unbilled Reasons/Amts\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">40034993 </a>",
"New Business",
"5424: NE Sales Region",
"CC8001: Electronics",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' title=\'Update PP Billing Complete\' onClick=\"MM_openBrWindow(\'MyApp_Update_Cont_Data.cfm?reference_no=40034993&site=ES\',\'\',\'menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=450,left=10,top=10\')\" onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Update PP Billing Complete\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">N</a>",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' onClick=\"MM_openBrWindow(\'MyApp_Add_Unbilled.cfm?reference_no=40034993&chrg_no=ChrgNo-51423&site=ES&profit_ctr=2380&period=month\', \'MyApp2\',\'menubar=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,width=1200,height=700,left=10,top=10\')\" title=\'Input Unbilled Reasons/Amts\' onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Input Unbilled Reasons/Amts\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">$39,248.64</a>",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' onmouseover=\"Tip(\'<table border=\\'1\\' cellpadding=\\'2\\' cellspacing=\\'0\\' bordercolor=\\'#666666\\' bgcolor=\\'#FFFFCC\\'><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Description</strong></td><td>Cost Plus, Progress Payment, and T&M contracts that have not billed in its normal cycle.</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Cont Type(s)</strong></td><td>ZCPC, ZTMC, ZPPC</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Actionee(s)</strong></td><td>PF/CTC</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Recommended Action</strong></td><td>Program Finance: Contact Billing Analyst to find out why contract is not billing.</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Source</strong></td><td>Bill Period entered in MyApp, invoices from SAP BW report \\'Billing Docs Through Date\\'.</td></tr><tr><td valign=\\'top\\'><strong>Autoloaded</strong></td><td>Yes</td></tr></table>\', TITLE, \'330 - Inactive Billing\', WIDTH, 500, BGCOLOR, \'#ffffcc\')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">Inactive Billing</a>",
"Contract Terms / Performance",
"Sched C",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' onmouseover=\"Tip(\'Project not stand-alone. Rate differential to be reconciled in closure. See offsetting balance in \\\'Est. Booked vs Billed Fee Rates\\\'\', TITLE, \'Full Comment Text\', WIDTH, 500, BGCOLOR, \'#ffffcc\')\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\">Project not stand-alone. Rate differential to be reconciled in closure. See offsetting balance in \\\'Est. Booked vs Billed Fee Rates\\\'</a>",
" 0",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' onClick=\"javascript:MM_openBrWindow(\'MyApp_Add_Action_Item.cfm?reference_no=40034993&chrg_no=ChrgNo-51423&site=ES&context=UNB&problem_category_id=330&problem_category_desc=Inactive Billing\',\'\',\'menubar=yes,scrollbars=no,width=800,height=250,left=10,top=10\');\" title=\'Create Action Item\' onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Create Action Item\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">CREATE</a>",
"<a href=\'javascript:;\' title=\'Add Comment\' onClick=\"MM_openBrWindow(\'MyApp_Add_Comment.cfm?reference_no=40034993&chrg_no=ChrgNo-51423&site=ES&context=UNB&problem_category_id=330&problem_category_desc=Inactive Billing\',\'\',\'menubar=yes,scrollbars=no,width=800,height=250,left=10,top=10\');\" onMouseOver=\"window.status=\'Add Comment\'; return true\" onMouseOut=\"window.status=\'\'; return true\">ADD</a>",
Brian Crandall
June 16,