Issue with checkboxes in 2.0.2 IE6
Top o' the mornin', all!
We upgraded to 2.0.2 for our webapp yesterday at the recommendation of Alex. This solved one issue we were seeing, but it has created another issue (not nearly as bad).
When a checkbox is checked, it appears to move around its location a bit. Usually it is only a couple of pixles, but sometimes it goes way to the top of the box (
Anyone else experienced this?
We upgraded to 2.0.2 for our webapp yesterday at the recommendation of Alex. This solved one issue we were seeing, but it has created another issue (not nearly as bad).
When a checkbox is checked, it appears to move around its location a bit. Usually it is only a couple of pixles, but sometimes it goes way to the top of the box (
Anyone else experienced this?
June 27,