
Header Fixed - Not Grid

Hello..maybe anyone can help me..I have this procedure in VB 6.0 that display a table..
How I can modify to have the header fixed ?? Thank you..
lnColumnCount = psRecordset.fields.Count
    l= l & "<table cellspacing=""0"" cellpadding=""1"" valign=""top""  class=""table_1""> "
        l= l & "<tr>"
            For i = 0 To lnColumnCount - 1
                If i <> 0 Then
                   l= l & "<td class=""td_header"" align=""center"" height=""20"">" & psRecordset.fields(i).name & "</td>"
                    l= l &  "<td class=""td_header"" align=""center"" height=""20"" colspan=""2"">" & psRecordset.fields(i).name & "</td>"
                End If
            Next i
        lostrmgr.ConcatLargeString "</tr>"
        j = 0
        If Not psRecordset.EOF Then
            While Not psRecordset.EOF
                j = j + 1
                l= l & IIf(j Mod 2 = 0, "<tr>", "<tr class=""aw-alternate-odd"">")
                    l= l &  "<td class=""td_header"" height=""20"">" & j & "</td>"
                    For i = 0 To lnColumnCount - 1
                        If psRecordset(i) <> "Null" Then
                            lsValue = psRecordset.fields(i).Value
                            lsValue = " "
                        End If
                        l= l & "<td nowrap=""TRUE"" class=""cells"" align=""center"" height=""20"">" & lsValue & "</td>"
                    Next i
                l= l &  "</tr>"
        End If
    l= l &  "</table>"
December 16,
The way to get a fixed header is to not use VB or <TABLE> and to use the AW Framework Grid. A <TABLE> is not a grid.
Jim Hunter
December 16,

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