December 6,
What are you wanting the AW grid to do that it doesn't already? This is just a grid, it is not a toolkit and from what I read on their web site, it is not customizable. There are settings that you can change but you can not extend the grid to do what you want like you can with AW. I use the AW toolkit to create everything on my application page! You can do this with their grid, it is simply a grid. And the price is about the same, so for my money I would rather have an entire toolkit, not just a grid.
Jim Hunter
December 7,
Oh, and most importantly EBA is an IE ONLY grid!
Jim Hunter
December 7,
I would like to add that I took a look at the EBA grid, and their examples don't work correctly, so I posted some question in their forum and sent them an email, but they never responded. I then asked them in the forum if they bother to monitor their own forum, and they ended up blocking my ip from their forum. Their customer service sucks
Jim Shaffer
December 8,