onmouseover highlighting does not work with alternating row colors
Hi there
I'd like to have onmouseover highlighting AND alternating row colors in my grid. Both working fine separately but they dont work together. If I add the alternating row colors feature, the highlighting wont work anymore.
The code:
// alternating background colors
var alternate = function(){
return this.getRowProperty("order") % 2 ? "#fcfaf6" : "#ffffff";
var row = new Active.Templates.Row;
row.setStyle("background", alternate);
row.setEvent("onmouseover", "mouseover(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
row.setEvent("onmouseout", "mouseout(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
obj.setTemplate("row", row);
I'd like to have onmouseover highlighting AND alternating row colors in my grid. Both working fine separately but they dont work together. If I add the alternating row colors feature, the highlighting wont work anymore.
The code:
// alternating background colors
var alternate = function(){
return this.getRowProperty("order") % 2 ? "#fcfaf6" : "#ffffff";
var row = new Active.Templates.Row;
row.setStyle("background", alternate);
row.setEvent("onmouseover", "mouseover(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
row.setEvent("onmouseout", "mouseout(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
obj.setTemplate("row", row);
August 19,