PAGING patch and column SORTING (empty lines BUG)
paging patch (patches/paging1.htm) is not compatible with column sorting.
with the paging patch installed and a dataset loaded in the grid spanning more than one page, try to sort by one column and then load another dataset (request of xml data, in my case).
is seems to "remember" previous row/values and row/order,
so that empty and blank lines are shown,
expecially if first query has more rows than second.
this is my implementation of the goToPage method,
where the comment block contains some of tries i did.
var iPagingRowPerPage = 50; // a variable declared elsewhere
function goToPage(delta_in, bFirstRefresh_in) {
var iPageNumberTmp = objGrid.getProperty("row/pageNumber");
var iPageCountTmp = objGrid.getProperty("row/pageCount");
var iPageNumberCurrentTmp = iPageNumberTmp;
iPageNumberTmp += delta_in;
if (iPageNumberTmp < 0) { iPageNumberTmp = 0; }
if (iPageNumberTmp > iPageCountTmp - 1) { iPageNumberTmp = iPageCountTmp - 1; }
var iRecordCountTmp = tableGrid.getProperty("count");
if (iRecordCountTmp > 0) {
objGrid.setProperty("row/pageSize", iPagingRowPerPage);
} else {
// negative row-header numbers bug solution
objGrid.setProperty("row/pageSize", 0);
// display label
var iRecordFromTmp = (iPagingRowPerPage * iPageNumberTmp) + 1;
var iRecordToTmp = iPagingRowPerPage * (iPageNumberTmp + 1);
if (iRecordToTmp > iRecordCountTmp) { iRecordToTmp = iRecordCountTmp; }
document.getElementById("labelGridPagingPages").innerHTML = "Page " + (iPageNumberTmp + 1) + " of " + iPageCountTmp;
document.getElementById("labelGridPagingRecords").innerHTML = "(record " + iRecordFromTmp + "-" + iRecordToTmp + " of " + iRecordCountTmp + ")";
if (bFirstRefresh_in === true) {
objGrid.setSortProperty("index", null);
//objGrid.sort(-1, "ascending");
var iNewCountTmp = objGrid.getDataProperty("count");
if (iNewCountTmp > iPagingRowPerPage) {
iNewCountTmp = iPagingRowPerPage;
var arrayRowValuesNewTmp = [];
for (var i = 0; i < iNewCountTmp; i++) { arrayRowValuesNewTmp[i] = i; }
//for (var i = 0; i < iPagingRowPerPage; i++) { arrayRowValuesNewTmp[i] = i; }
var arrayRowValuesTmp = objGrid.getRowProperty("values");
// objGrid.setRowProperty("order", function(i) { return i });
// objGrid.setRowProperty("values", arrayRowValuesTmp);
objGrid.setRowProperty("values", arrayRowValuesNewTmp);
objGrid.setSortProperty("index", null);
if (iPageNumberCurrentTmp == iPageNumberTmp) { return; }
objGrid.setProperty("row/pageNumber", iPageNumberTmp);
any solution?
what about a grid reset (paging, sort, counts, all)?
comments will be appreciated,
July 15,