
how to set focus to a particular cell

Hi , Can any one tell me how to set the focus to a particular cell in the grid
June 22,
can anyone please tell me the solution, i am using Input template for the cells and i want to set the focus to a particular cell ( basically i am adding a new row on a button click and i want to set the focus to that row )
June 24,
Hi there,
I am actually only at ActiveWidgets to look for a solution to a focus problem of my own, and I am afraid I know nothing about grids, but usually to give a focus to an input one would use document.forms[number].elements[number].focus() or documents.getElementById("id of element you want to receive focus").focus()
I hope I am in the right ballpark here, and if so I hope that helps :-D
Joe (Australia)
July 17,
This has already been covered before. Please search the forums before posting a question:

Jim Hunter
August 25,

This topic is archived.

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