Resizable grid differences in Firefox 1.0.2 & 1.0.3
I'm new in JS, actually I know shit about it and picked up AW Grid just to se capabilities of it. I noticed that when I open your home page at home (FireFox 1.0.2) I can mouse-resize the columns and when I watch your page at work (Firefox 1.0.3) I can only resize the header of the grid columns. Is there any way this can be fixed? Cause if there isn't this grid is useless for me.
April 21,
I haven't tried it. But the plain grid doesn't work. I didn't even get to XML
April 26,
Yeah, I think the fix there is not just for XML related errors, but Firefox 1.0.3 in general. I think it might help because it fixes the NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_OP_ON_WN_PROTO error.
As for your resizing problem, I've noticed that only the headers resize until you let up the mouse button, then the grid follows (although I'm sure you would have noticed this if it were working correctly).
April 26,
When I put that line to the end of gecko.js resizing is working :D
April 27,