
How can I implement a 'splitter'?

Let me explain...I have a great amount of columns but I need to show them in the same grid because I must compare some columns and some of them are hidden... Then I thought about some property that allowed to divide the screen me in two similar the implemented one in Excel
Is possible?.

Thanks in advance.
Oscar M.
March 23,
There is an example with two grids on one page. Not as nice as you want to achieve, but maybe enough as a start?
March 28,
i dunoo, but i sure am glad to find out
September 19,
Actually, if you use the two grids side-by-side and link them via rows (and make both scroll), you could use CSS to "simulate" the appearance as if it were one grid.

Hmmm ... see, now I'm going to have to try it.
September 19,

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