
Upgrading from 1.0 to 2.6. Need help!

We are upgrading our Active Widget from 1.0 to 2.6. I updated all references from grid.js/css to aw.js/css, and I still can't get it to work. Are there any other references that I need to change for these versions?

Please help, I'm completely new to this, and my familiarity with JavaScript is limited.
Sam H
March 19,
>> I updated all references from grid.js/css to aw.js/css

The 2.x branch is not backward compatible with 1.0 - the API is different so just replacing js/css files is not enough. You need to change your code to use the new API.


var myCells = [
    ["MSFT","Microsoft Corporation", "314,571.156"],
    ["ORCL", "Oracle Corporation", "62,615.266"]

var myHeaders = ["Ticker", "Company Name", "Market Cap."];

// create grid object
var obj = new AW.UI.Grid;

// assign cells and headers text

// set number of columns/rows

// write grid to the page
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
March 20,
Hi Alex,

Thanks for the response. I just saw it couple days ago, and have been trying to do the corresponding updates.

This is the former piece of code I had:

var header = new Active.Templates.Header;

header.setEvent("onmousedown", function(event){
if (event.button == 2 ) {
else {
this.setClass("header", "pressed");

grid.setTemplate("top/item", header);

I changed it as follows:

var header = new AW.Grid.Header;
header.setEvent("onmousedown", function(event){
if (event.button == 2 ) {
else {
this.setClass("header", "pressed");
grid.setTemplate("top/item", header);

And I stated getting the following error, both before and after I commented out the 'header.setEvent' code block:

this[set] is not a function
Line 26

I'm not sure what the issue is here. Am I selecting the wrong function to set my headers?
Sam H
April 9,
Never mind. I stripped down a lot of the old code to just get the base grid going. I can build on that :-)
Sam H
April 10,
Yes, this is exactly what I was going to say - its better to start with a minimal working example and then gradually migrate missing features.

As for debugging I would suggest pausing on exception and then looking up call stack until you see which part of your code triggered it.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
April 10,

This topic is archived.

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