
Putting a Form inside a Cell

I am trying to put a form with a submit link inside a cell. When i do this the cell becomes blank and I'm wondering why.

Here is my source code....
var myData = [
["<form id=\'0\' name=\'0\' method=\'post\' action=\'process.php\'><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'ContractUserApproval_form\' value=\'1\'><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'id\' value=\'3d17e6876c7aee435f29284d86f4a05f\'><a href=\'document.0.submit();return false\'>aa, a</a></form>", "Update Status", "a", "Building", "am@tallecreative.com", "PALISADES PARK", "NJ" ],

["<form id=\'1\' name=\'1\' method=\'post\' action=\'process.php\'><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'ContractUserApproval_form\' value=\'1\'><input type=\'hidden\' name=\'id\' value=\'3d17e6876c7aee435f29284d86f4a05f\'><a href=\'document.1.submit();return false\'>Beck, George</a></form>", "Update Status", "Talle Creative, LLC", "Building", "am@tallecreative.com", "Palisades Park", "NJ" ],


Anybody out there can help me let this show up in my cell shown and working as a form.

Thank you in advance.
February 13,
You'll need to look at taking a simpler approach.

Have a look at cell link in the documentation at http://www.activewidgets.com/aw.ui.grid/cell-link.html and see if that will work for you. Use URL parameters instead of the form method.
February 15,

This topic is archived.

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