I'm glad I am no longer needing to deal with situations like yours...:-) i.e. A boss who wants the impossible.
Okay - so HOW are you going to capture the keystroke?
In a text field or what?
Tell your boss that this is a web-based application, where everyone always has access to the latest version.
Keep in mind that web pages are a 'publishing medium' and were never intended to be used the way we use them today - we're lucky to be able to do as much as we can already to.
Did you ever notice how some sites require you to download a sign active-X components, since they need to do something beyond the functional scope of your browser? (hint, Microsoft Windows Update is a prime example).
What your boss would seem to be confused about in his wants of a 'nice' feature would be better deployed as an application written in C++, or Visual basic....of course, then you need to install it on each machine, and update each machine whenever there is a new version.
That's just part of your 'trade-off' factor.
Of course, you could always code it using window.onkeydown or window.onkeypress events, then some custom javascript routines to look at the value within a certain cell of a chosen column, and if the first letter matches, select that row. Of course, I can't make either approach work in IE 6 as in the example below.
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
<title>Window onKeyDown Test</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function e()
alert("window.onKeyDown works!");
window.onKeyDown = e;
<p>An alert should appear when a key is pushed down while this window has the focus.</p>
More trade-off's: We have yet to see a single function that works for both Netscape and Internet Explorer.
Final note - this isn't an Excel spreadsheet, so don't expect that much functionality. What you have with Alex's excellent code is a fantastic way to display tabled data with fixed column headers, sortable columns, XML functionality, and a plethura(sp?) of other features.