Is there any way modify the text style (like bold) for an AW.Formats
I am interested in creating two string formats
var string = new AW.Formats.String;
var string_bold = new AW.Formats.String;
One will be bold, one not. I want to keep the bold status within the AW.Format as I am passing the cellFormat(s) and cellData into another program to convert the grid into an excel file (with the same formating) and I do not want to have to generate any additional data if it is not necessary.
I tried
string_bold.setStyle("font-weight", "bold");
both did not work.
var string = new AW.Formats.String;
var string_bold = new AW.Formats.String;
One will be bold, one not. I want to keep the bold status within the AW.Format as I am passing the cellFormat(s) and cellData into another program to convert the grid into an excel file (with the same formating) and I do not want to have to generate any additional data if it is not necessary.
I tried
string_bold.setStyle("font-weight", "bold");
both did not work.
March 11,