Hi i have a problem in the usage of the grid for teh images. When i load the images(present in the theme folder) and click on column header(the column contains the data+ image) am getting the column sorted based on image. Can i have the columns sorted based on the data?am getting the images + data as follows--
// gridDataArr.append("\"" + "XLS"+"<img src='../theme/xlsheet.JPG'></img>" + "\",");
// }else if("ppt".equalsIgnoreCase(extnTYP)){
// gridDataArr.append("\"" + "PPT"+"<img src='../theme/powerppt.JPG'></img>" + "\",");
// }else if("doc".equalsIgnoreCase(extnTYP)||"rtf".equalsIgnoreCase(extnTYP)){
// gridDataArr.append("\"" +"DOC"+ "<img src='../theme/worddoc.JPG'></img>" + "\",");
// }else if("pdf".equalsIgnoreCase(extnTYP)){
// gridDataArr.append("\"" + "PDF")+ "<img src='../theme/pdfimage.JPG'></img>" + "\",");
// }
March 27,