Resize rows
Alex, I'm looking to create functionality to resize rows (including the header) the same way that the grid allows resizing of columns (using the mouse and dragging the column separator).
Could you please make a suggestion what would be the best way to start this. For example, is there a specific template (cell template?, row template? header template? ) that I should override to accomplish this?
January 10,
A little more info on this - I would only want the resizer in the selector column. Can I implement a template on the selector? is there one already there that I can extend?
January 11,
The resizing itself should not be that much difficult. Look at the column separator template ( source/lib/grid/separator.js ). You will have to change the moving direction from horizontal to vertical and insert the template between rows (instead of column headers).
However much more difficult part would be fixing scrolling and navigation code which currently relies on all rows being the same height (so you can calculate all vertical offsets multiplying the row position by the row height). That might be especially tricky with the virtual scrolling mode.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
January 11,
thanks Alex. Got it. One additional question - how is it possible to dynamically determine whether the ellipsis overflow css setting is actually in effect? for example, if all the headers are set to display ellipsis if text overflows, but only one header actually has the overflow condition occur, I want to know that the 1 column is overflowing. I can't seem to find any info on that.
January 11,