disable automatic linking in grids
In my editable grids, whenever I type a web address or email address in, it automatically gets a blue underline and a hand pointer, and works as an anchor tag if clicked.
I have no toolbars installed - No Google toolbar, no yahoo toolbar, no other toolbars. I've tried this on several different machines and experience the same problem on all configurations.
There's no other code included that's doing this - it happens when using just the activewidgets example code.
Replicate by typing www.google.com followed by a space character into any cell in the example below.
<title>ActiveWidgets Examples</title>
<script src="../../runtime/lib/aw.js"></script>
<link href="../../runtime/styles/xp/aw.css" rel="stylesheet"></link>
var obj = new AW.UI.Grid;
obj.setCellText(function(i, j){return ''});
var text = new AW.Formats.String;
var html = new AW.Formats.HTML;
obj.setCellFormat(text, 0); // text in the first column
obj.setCellFormat(html, 1); // html in the second column
obj.setHeaderText(["text", "html", "default"]);
There must be some way to turn this off.
December 11,