Multi-cell selection needed
Hi I was looking in the Beta3 source for the schemes for selecting in the grid and it seems that multi-cell / column-based selection is not yet implemented.
Also I think it should be implemented for the gui a window class (for opening fake modal windows) and a possibility to add controls to some containers instead of setting the position using css.
Can you please inform me/us if the needed features will be implemented and if so when ?
Best Regards,
January 10,
Bogdan, I saw a post by someone that said multi-select was working in beta 3 although I have not tried it yet (no need).
You can currently add controls to other controls. You do not need to add them to the document and set the placement with CSS. If you want to add one control to another simply set the container controls content to be the other controls, like this:
containerControl.setContent("htm", newGrid.toString());
As for some sort of window class, I needed one so I spent a day creating my own. Once you learn the toolkit, you will be able to create any sort of control you want, just use your imagination. If you have never created controls in another language then you will have a bit of trouble creating them in this toolkit. But if you have some experience in this area then it should be easy to pick up on. And before you ask, no I am not able to post my windows code. It is part of a government project and currently proprietary. It only took me a day to get a full window system including drag and drop, multiple window types, reusability. So it can be done...
Jim Hunter
January 10,
Thanks for reply.
I have noticed that there are implementations for multi-row, multi-row-marker but not multi-cell (that is selecting two or more cells from the same column).
This would allow me for example to make sums by selection and write them on the footer column of the grid. An Excel-Like feature for a grid that maps bank operations & money.
January 11,
Hmm, I missed that in your first post. I think you are the only one that has expressed an interest in this. I don't know if it's on the readmap or not. Alex might be able to shed more light on the subject.
Jim Hunter
January 11,
I am also looking for multi selection of cells & want to do operations on my selected cells like drag & drop thos cells to somewhere in grid.I found only these options as Bogdan has specified(multi-row, multi-row-marker) but not for multi cell selection.So please can anybody help me out to find multi cell selection support.
Thank you.
Ashwin Gupta
July 25,
I think we need to implement on our own multicell selection.
Can any one tell how to implement multicell selection.
Probably we need to raise some event that tracks shift key and arrow keys being pressed simultaneously.This can be a better work around
Vikramaditya Garg
July 25,
Really it's required.Let me know any idea about multi-cell selection? or are any updation coming up with this feature? let me know please as soon as possible,otherwise I will have to look for other grid components...
Thank you.
Ashwin Gupta
July 28,