Onmouse Effect in VBscript and recordset
Hi, first of all It is a great pice of code !!. Please could you help me to use the MouseOver effect / alternating row style with the sample for ASP using vbscript & recordset (basic.asp file) ?
thanks alot
September 23,
I have the same problem I can impliment alternating rows or mouse over effects but ot both....
This is a section of the code....
var row = new Active.Templates.Row;
row.setStyle("background", alternate);
row.setEvent("onmouseover", "mouseover(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
$extra_details .=row.setEvent("onmouseout", "mouseout(this, 'active-row-highlight'));
$extra_details .="Results_Grid.setTemplate("row", row);
$extra_details .="Results_Grid.setAction("selectionChanged", select_job);
Ettienne Gous
April 14,
You appear to have " where they shouldn't be and miss them out where they should be. Try this:
var alternate = function(){return this.getProperty("row/order") % 2 ? "#EEEEEE" : "white";}
var row = new Active.Templates.Row;
row.setStyle("background", alternate);
row.setEvent("onmouseover", "mouseover(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
row.setEvent("onmouseout", "mouseout(this, 'active-row-highlight')");
obj.setTemplate("row", row);
Roy Cosway
April 14,