
hyperlink for each row


I am trying to have each row with a hyperlink, e.g. when you click on row one, you go to 1.htm, when you click on row one, you go to 2.htm, etc.

Is this possible?

July 29,
Yes... like this:

/* Sets entire 2nd row (j==1) as hyperlink */

obj.setAction("click", function(src){
var i = src.getProperty("item/index");
var j = src.getRowProperty("index");
if (j==1) { document.location.href = "1.html"} ;
August 8,
I found this to work better (no need for the whole row to be a link):

var data1 = [

["ORCL", "<a href='http://www.oracle.com' target='_top'>Oracle Corporation</a>", "62,615.266", "9,519.000", "40650"],


Be sure to add the full path ("http://...") along with the "target=_top" in your HREF.

Chicago Sam
August 9,

This topic is archived.

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