When will the tree grid be ready ?
We purchased ActiveWidgets and it works for our simple needs, however we are in urgent need for a tree grid, ( grids can be expand into new grids when pressed + ).
I try to implement it myself, but there are numeoreus problems due to scrollbars, rendering, focusing.. I am not a javascript expert so decide to wait for a tree grid.
Is there a planned time for the release ?
April 18,
well... im making mine, using GROUP functions, user select the column to GROUP and my grid change the selector to +, when user click a new table open like cellTemplate.
After finish the component ill post here.
April 18,
I cannot yet say for sure when the tree grid will be ready (somewhere in the next 6-9 months). I can share what I have so far - it requires fixing keyboard navigation, scrolling and sorting.
.aw-grid-view .aw-grid-view {
height: auto;
AW.Tree.Grid = AW.Grid.Control.subclass();
AW.Tree.Grid.create = function(){
var obj = this.prototype;
obj.onGroupTemplateChanged = function(group){
group.mapTemplate("content", "rows");
group.mapTemplate("item", "row");
group.mapModel("view", "row");
return true;
obj.defineTemplate("group", new AW.Tree.Group);
obj.onRowsTemplateChanged = function(rows){
rows.mapTemplate("item", function(i){return this.$owner.getGroupTemplate(i)});
rows.mapModel("view", "row");
return true;
obj.setRowsTemplate(new AW.Grid.Rows);
obj.setTemplate("cell", new AW.Tree.Item, 0);
obj.getContentTemplate().mapTemplate("panel", function(i){
case 0: return this.getHeadersTemplate();
case 1: return this.getGroupTemplate(0);
case 2: return this.getFootersTemplate();
obj.defineRowProperty("expanded", false);
obj.getCellTemplate(0).mapModel("view", function(p){
return this.$owner.getRowProperty(p, this.$1);
obj.onTreeSignClicked = function(src, i, j){
var expanded = this.getRowExpanded(j);
this.setRowExpanded(!expanded, j);
obj.onScrollLeftChanged = function(x){
var e1 = this.getGroupTemplate(0).element();
if (e1) {e1.parentNode.scrollLeft = x}
obj._sortController = {};
Using it is similar to the tree control.
var tree = {
0: [1, 2, 3, 4],
1: [5, 6],
2: [7],
3: [8],
4: [9]
var obj = new AW.Tree.Grid;
obj.setCellText(function(col, row){return col + "." + row});
obj.setRowCount(function(i){return tree[i] ? tree[i].length : 0});
obj.setRowIndices(function(i){return tree[i]});
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
April 18,
Thanks Alex..
Using GROUP functions, is a good idea. It will be very nice if we have a good example for that. waiting for your post
April 20,
Hi Alex,
Any updates on TreeGrid control? Please let me know because I have to decide the feature for our next release.
Divyananda M S
November 17,
I have a different approach for the current grid with a fixed level number of 3. For those interested, here's the key part:
obj.onCellClicked = function(event, column, row) {
if (column == 1) {
myExpRows[row] = ( (myExpRows[row] == 1) ? 0 : 1);
row = 0;
arr = new Array();
var showL1 = false;
var showL2 = false;
while( row <= myRowType.length ) {
if ( myRowType[row] == 0 )
arr.push( row );
if ( myRowType[row] == 1 && showL1 )
arr.push( row );
if ( myRowType[row] == 2 && showL2 )
arr.push( row );
if ( myRowType[row] == 0 && myExpRows[row] == 1 )
{ showL1 = true; }
if ( myRowType[row] == 0 && myExpRows[row] == 0 )
{ showL1 = false; showL2 = false; }
if ( myRowType[row] == 1 && myExpRows[row] == 1 && showL1 )
{ showL2 = true; }
if ( myRowType[row] == 1 && myExpRows[row] == 0 )
{ showL2 = false; }
if (arr.length > 0) {
There are two key arrays that need to be defined: myExpRows[] and myRowType[]. At load, myExpRows[] has a value of zero for each row and myRowType[] has a 0,1 or 2 for each row that describes its nexting level.
The above code will always show 0-type rows since they are "root" rows. Also, clicking to expand/collapse is based on clicking in column 1, which in my use of this code, is a column that has a '+' icon that gets toggled to a '-' icon and back.
There is no ability of a separate "subgrid", which keeps things simple, but all subelements must have the same columns.
Hope this helps those searching.
- alphadog
Paul Tiseo
November 17,
Hi Alex,
how to add skrolling your example ?
(But nine months have passed)...
March 29,
Hi Ankur,
does not solve my tasks
March 30,