
using grid to access a database over AJAX

i am looking for a simple way to read from/write to a remote database using AJAX.

the grid could offer a great representation of a database table, and the introduction of editable cells in AW grid 2.0 would offer a natural way to make database changes.

has anyone done this? has anyone used Ruby-on-Rails/TrimPath?
January 3,
All you need to do is use AJAX to send your request, and you can either output XML from your script to be passed back, or output the javascript array to use in the grid. I don't know Ruby, only seen it. But you can do it in any language.
January 3,
how i can fetch data from database with asp.net in widgets grid
jasbir singh
June 8,
I'm using php Xajax + phpadodb its very simple and very speedy
I'm testing activeui..
June 8,
We use .NET Atlas controls to do this. We make a web service call which returns objects serialized into JSON objects. These objects can "bind" to the AWGrid using the setCellData event.
July 19,
David, where can we obtain more info about binding JSON with the grid?
August 8,

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